March 2016 Event

The Path of Initiation

Francis Ayley, M.Arc D.D.(Hon)
Given the many serious problems human beings face today, is there a solution to all these problems and challenges? There is. It is through higher knowledge and expanded consciousness that we will discover solutions to the difficult problems and dangers we are currently confronting.
Since time immemorial, a path to higher consciousness has existed, and there have always been people who have followed this path. This “path of initiation” is marked by tests, challenges, and progressive expansions of consciousness, which lead to an experience of wisdom, insight and love that has the power to bring about miraculous transformation. If even a tiny percentage of human beings on earth today were capable of channeling the wisdom their soul embodies, solutions to all the problems we face, both individually and collectively, would emerge.
Francis Ayley will speak tonight about the path of initiation and how to walk it consciously. In particular, he will highlight:
·        how the relationship between your personality and your soul (your core self) is the most important relationship in your life
·        the crucial importance of shadow integration work on your spiritual journey
·        the spiritual tools of psychological astrology and Tarot and how they can illuminate your path
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Francis Ayley was born in Mayfair, London UK in 1955. As a child Francis exhibited extrasensory abilities, among these were clairsentience, clairaudience and clairempathy. These gifts were not well received within his rigidly Roman Catholic family of origin. Many in his family feared his insight into the true nature of reality and uncanny ability to know the truth. At 18 he made a clean break with his family of birth and began exploring, developing and deepening his natural gifts. Francis Ayley's expertise spans a significant number of different subject areas, Living Taoism, Astrology, Tarot, Humanistic and Transpersonal psychotherapy, Buddhist Meditation, Martial Arts and the Path of Initiation, each of which he has mastered. Francis offers consultations form his home in Bellingham WA, and teaches The Path of Initiation.

THURSDAY, March 17th
7:00PM - 9:00PM (6:30 doors open)
Bellingham's Fairhaven Library
Northwest Room Under Outside Stairs
1117 12th St, Bellingham (Fairhaven)

$5-10 Donation Appreciated. No one will be turned away.

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