Bellingham IONS April 2013 Event

ZEN in the ART of CLOSE ENCOUNTERS: Crazy Wisdom and UFOs,
 by David Pursglove

“ a large anthology including the best kinds of high and low strangenesses you may have heard of (and some you haven't imagined). These are the kind that present us with paradoxes on top of paradoxes. Our neurological relays pop -- which may be exactly the point!

Everything from reports of people who've initiated successful contact, to serious psychiatric essays, to cartoons, to a disconcerting short story, to the connection with psychedelics, to a kid telling of being levitated out of his bedroom at night for a romp on the local swing set with several little gray UFOLKS - one of whom fell off a swing flat on his back."

David Pursglove: Trained in Gestalt Therapy with Laura Perls and others in New York City in the '60s, practiced Gestalt work combined with other modes there, in Boston and the San Francisco Bay Area for 23 years; is the editor of two anthologies: Recognitions in Gestalt Therapy (Harper and Row, 1972) and Zen in the Art of Close Encounters: Crazy Wisdom and UFOS (The New Being Project, 1995)  He co-founded Amidst the Paradox, a center for transpersonal psychology in New London, CT in 1976, has researched and worked with consciousness-modifying modalities as therapeutic tools for the last 35 years.  In 1987 he founded Passages In, a residential retreat for people in spiritual emergencies. He lives in Bellingham where he maintains and adds to The New Being Project’s large and wide-ranging website: (what’s around the bend-after-next in our culture?) and teaches people EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques

Thursday, April 18th, 7-9PM (doors open at 6:30)
Fireplace Room, Fairhaven Library (downstairs)
1117 12th St, Bellingham, WA

$5-$10 donation (no one will be turned away)
Questions: contact

REMEMBER! You are welcome to bring flyers, business cards etc to display and you are welcome to announce community events you or others are doing. (We don't have storage, so please take your things back afterwards)