January 2016 Event

Build Connections, Improve Relationships and Get Your Message Heard!

“We are here on Earth to learn to love, and to help one another. 
Relationships are key.” – Curt Remington, Simple Meditation

In this presentation, you’ll learn tips and techniques to improve communication, connect with more people, and deepen your connections. By strengthening these connections, you can improve relationships in your life. If you have a message, a book, or a business to promote, this will help you reach more people. We’ll do this work on three different levels:

1.    Psychic/Spiritual –Meditation techniques can help you clear energetic blocks to communication and manifesting what you want in life. Another technique allows you to communicate on a psychic/spiritual level, which is helpful in a variety of situations, like for people you don’t yet know. Mary Remington will lead a meditation exercise to put some of these techniques into practice.
2.    Physical –If you’d really like to get a message across, doing so face-to-face is a very effective way to communicate. To do so, we need to get out and network. A well prepared message (elevator speech) can ensure that your message is delivered smoothly and effectively. A few participants will have an opportunity to share their two-minute message with the audience.
3.    Electronic –If you have a business, or an important message, a website and social media are powerful tools to reach lots of people. We’ll cover topics like how a website and social media work together, best social media platforms and best posting practices. Curt will email additional information to participants looking for more marketing tips. For those of you that don’t have a message, you might consider sharing one like, “the world is going through a positive shift, let’s join together and be a part of it!”

Come join us for a fun and informative interactive event!

Curt Remington has trained extensively in meditation, clairvoyance, and energy healing, finding these tools to be life-changing. In a desire to share the transformative benefits with others, he delved deeper into marketing and public speaking, created websites (curtremington.com, meditationarticles.com, holistichealingnetwork.net, bellinghamweb.net) and authored Simple Meditation. Curt has a bachelor’s in business management, served as the Toastmasters Area Governor for Whatcom County, is on the BIONS steering committee, and he is the co-owner of Shuksan Web, a web design and internet marketing business.

THURSDAY, January 21st, 2016
6:30 (doors open) 7:00PM - 9:00PM
Bellingham's Fairhaven Library
Fireside Room Under Outside Stairs
1117 12th St, Bellingham (Fairhaven)

$5-10 Donation Appreciated. No one will be turned away.
Questions: cyndy.sheldon@comcast.net  

All of you in the BIONS community are encouraged to make announcements and pass out literature at our events about your related programs.          
Visit our Facebook page where you can also list your programs and get updates on BIONS events.

IONS Websitenoetic.org

All views presented are not necessarily those of IONS or of the BIONS Team.