Thursday June 15, 7-9PM

“ You have to tell them…we’re not dying, we are waking up!”
Presented & Facilitated by Bonita Wutzke

Never has interest been so strong in what comes after this life!
Our awareness is opening and we are now ready for our next step in understanding life and who we are.  Tonight we will explore this miracle together with our greatest teachers:  The Mystics, the Near Death Experiencers (NDEs), and our loved ones as they transition from this life and awaken to a life that is beyond their wildest dreams.
What they are experiencing is so much more than anything they could have hoped for.  They describe Love beyond any they had ever known and a glorious Light that opens their vision to see with breath-taking clarity, a reality that surpasses anything they could have ever imagined. Within the glorious Light, fears give way to unbridled joy and wonder. In that moment, they see and know that they have come home and are embraced in love and joy. They are surrounded by loved ones who have gone before them and who now, in vibrant health and happiness, are welcoming them back home.
All tell the same story… “We’re not dying after all!  We’re coming home to a very familiar world and life”.  Their greatest desire upon experiencing this, is to let us know that they are alive and happy and are always with us, and that we are so much more than we realize.
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This will be an evening of sharing our extraordinary stories from those who have gone just a step ahead of us and are now reaching back to share with us what they have found. 
Please bring and share your stories of the miraculous that your loved ones have shared with you from spirit, whether at their bedside – and/or their ongoing communication with you. There are 12 common ways they communicate with us which we will explore.
Bonita’s own experience within the Light, brought her to work with hospice patients where she shared their extraordinary experiences as they too were immersed in the Light of our greater reality. The stories she shares, confirm our ongoing connection with our loved ones.  

BIONS TEAM: Bonita Wutzke, Paula Forget, Cyndy Sheldon, Curt Remington, Meredith Murray

(Doors open at 6:30)
Bellingham Fairhaven Library’s Fireside Room
(under the outdoor stairs)
1117 12th ST, Bellingham, WA 98225

Donation of $5-10 (no one will be turned away)